john kiehne on the Issues

John believes that our politicians have an obligation to promote policies that enable and facilitate opportunity, justice, safety, security, good health, and prosperity for each and every American citizen.

The residents of Missouri and citizens of the United States require an income that provides adequate housing and the means to not just survive- but thrive.

We need access to quality, affordable Healthcare regardless of our income or where we live.

We need to make sure that every child in America has access to a high-quality, tuition-free public education.

We need to encourage and support entrepreneurship and the small businesses that make up 99.9% of the businesses in our nation.

We need to respect Reproductive Rights as well as working to prevent unplanned pregnancies through education, opportunity, and by supporting hard-working parents trying to raise a family in today’s challenging economic environment.

We must ensure that American taxpayers pay their fair share- no more and no less- while also holding bad actors accountable for attempting to get a free pass from contributing to our nations obligations on taxpayers’ dime.

We must secure our nation and our citizens from all enemies- foreign and domestic. And we need to ensure that Justice, Equality, Opportunity, and Liberty are guaranteed to each and every American citizen regardless of their gender, race, faith, ethnicity, wealth, ability, age, or sexual orientation.

For more specifics regarding John’s policy positions read below.


I believe that all American citizens need access to quality, affordable Healthcare.

Women nationwide require access to safe, affordable Reproductive Care and no Missouri resident should be denied access to proper Reproductive Healthcare. Women and men should have access to affordable, effective contraception and children should receive accurate, age-appropriate, and comprehensive sexual education as part of other health-related curricula.  I am pro-choice and fully support women’s Reproductive rights and believe that medical decisions regarding a woman’s body should be made between a woman and her doctor- not by a politician or bureaucrat.

I believe that we must effectively implement Medicaid Expansion in order to help Americans to be more healthy overall, provide aid to the poor that are suffering from medical issues, fund services in rural areas so that Hospitals in those communities can afford to stay open. Unfortunately, Republican politicians in Missouri have dragged their feet since Medicaid Expansion’s signup process began in the summer of 2021. They have allowed the program to remain largely unsupported even though it was approved by a majority of voters and would provide free or affordable Healthcare to hundreds of thousands of working Missouri citizens.

We must work to ensure that Missouri citizens are not denied Healthcare coverage due to pre-existing conditions and defend these protections provided in the Affordable Care Act.

Thanks to efforts from the Biden Administration, the cost of insulin has been capped at $35. We need to continue to address the high cost of prescription drugs- particularly for the poor, disabled, and elderly who may have to decide between paying rent or paying for medication.

We need to seriously address the circumstances that cause the abysmal infant and maternal mortality rates that impact women and children in Missouri- and the United States- that continues to rival 3rd World Nations.

We as a nation need to address the issue of access to dental coverage. Currently, most insurance plans don’t provide enough coverage to address more costly dental procedures and seniors on a fixed income may have difficulty accessing care and services such as acquiring dentures.


We must work to make sure that our schools statewide are fully-funded and able to provided public school students with a firm education foundation from which to pursue a career path as an adult. Currently over 30% of School Districts in Missouri are on 4-day weeks due to funding shortfalls.

In Missouri, the vast majority of public school funding comes from state and local sources- with Federal funding only making up about 7% of of total education funding. However, in recent years federal funds from investments like the American Rescue Plan Act have temporarily bridged gaps in education funding in the state of Missouri.

We must work to make sure that schools possess up-to-date materials and technologies in order to guarantee that our students are being offered a curriculum that reflects the best knowledge and know-how that is necessary to be self-supporting and successful in our modern era. There are schools in our State that are using outdated books and materials as well as many without broadband internet access- particularly in the rural areas.

We must work to make sure that teachers are paid a competitive salary so that we can encourage new hires and maintain a robust and effective teaching community. Starting salaries for Missouri teachers are the second lowest in the Country and we rate 47th in the U. S. for average teachers’ salaries and #50 for beginning teacher salaries.

We need to work on providing a variety of career paths for students that include college-bound, entering into a professional certification program or the skilled trades. In order to strengthen our workforce we must invest in educating our students to be able to meet the work demands of the 21st century.

Our college graduates should have the opportunity to pursue a career in their field without being burdened by crushing long-term debt so we need to work on making college both more affordable and more accessible.

Our State government must allow local Districts and educators to best decide how to teach their students while maintaining a Statewide proficiency standard. Federal policy should aspire to provide educators with the tools necessary to be successful in their communities addressing the specific needs of their students.

We must oppose efforts to politicize public school curricula and push back against efforts to “whitewash” our country’s history, counter attacks and marginalizing LGTBQ+ students, and shut down attempts to propagandize our schools and indoctrinate our students as a means to establish a right-wing fascist state in Missouri.


Employment doesn’t just put food on our table and a roof over our heads- it informs the daily quality of our lives and our potential for growth, opportunity and prosperity. As the wealthiest nation on the planet the potential to succeed and excel should be available to every single American citizen.

We have been recovering from a very serious market collapse which occurred in 2008 as well as the recent financial crisis created by the recent coronavirus pandemic. A number of industries and institutions failed in 2008 and global economic challenges in recent years have left our workers and our economy in crisis. Because of strong leadership during the Obama and Biden Administrations and a concerted effort to mend and recover from that circumstance America has come back stronger than ever – but not for everyone.

While corporate profits have skyrocketed to historic highs wages have stagnated and remained nearly flat. Income disparity between earners is at historic highs as the richest get richer and the younger generation gets bogged down in student loan debt, low wages and lack of opportunity.

America needs to reshape our economy from the ground up and the top down. We need to address the issue of exorbitant executive pay that siphons profits to a select few and focus on encouraging the sharing of the success of doing business with the people paid to do the actual work.

We need to pay our workers more as well providing more education, training and opportunity for those that are struggling to find work or aspiring to be more successful. The issue isn’t only in paying a higher minimum wage- people in the middle- skilled workers, middle management, etc. that have not seen their wages rise while the people that they work for have enjoyed exponential growth in their earnings.

A stronger, better paid workforce simply makes America stronger. We must constantly strive to innovate not only for the sake of doing so but to create new opportunities for this generation and the next.

As technologies become obsolete they are replaced with others that require workers with new skill sets. It’s in our best interest to encourage American workers to pursue acquiring new skills while we provide them with the training and opportunity to use them.

I support unions and the need for workers to join together to ensure that they receive fair wages and competitive benefits. My parents and many of my family members were or are educators in public schools. My mother’s parents were active in organizing labor in the manufacturing sector many years ago.

I oppose Right to Work and I will fight this legislation and any iteration of it that is presented.

I oppose ending the Prevailing Wage as I believe that we should do our best to employ Missouri labor and pay them a fair wage.

I oppose Paycheck Deception and any other actions designed to deliberately make membership in a union more challenging.

I oppose any actions designed to break unions in our public and private sectors. In my experience employers cannot be counted on to pay workers fairly or advance wages fairly to reward hard work or to stay current with the cost of living. There is already evidence of the GOP making laws to make it more difficult for employees to join together to fight systemic issues in a company. There is no doubt that their actions serve to benefit a few wealthy entities at the expense of many, many workers.

We need to get back to our roots and make our labor movement and social movements work together to fight the historical income inequality that exists in our country today. United we stand- divided we will fall.

We need to proactively present pursueing the skilled trades to our students as another viable career path in which to earn a middle class wage and benefits.


As a small business person for my entire adult life (as well as mowing lawns, delivering papers, etc. as a child) I have for the very most part earned my living hustling gigs, clients, tours, etc. as a musician and enjoying the freedom and autonomy of being my own boss. As a matter of fact- 99.4% of businesses in the state of Missouri are small businesses- including the vast majority of family farms.

As a small businessman I recognize that the prosperity of my community reflects greatly on the success of my business (and the internet can level the playing field in this regard by opening up markets worldwide). While on one hand we must work to provide jobs for our workers that pay a living wage, we must also support our small businesses so that we keep as much of our money in our communities, region, and state while also providing the supports and creating an environment for our businesses to be successful. No business should have to pay substandard wages in order to be successful and no employee should have to settle for that situation.

With Medicaid Expansion now being implemented- hundreds of thousands of the working poor will have access to Healthcare enabling them to be healthy and more productive members of society and more capable and reliable workers. Tethering Healthcare coverage to employment is a concept that has proven to be inefficient and insufficient to provide most- if not all- American citizens access to Healthcare. It has, however, worked very well for insurance company profits. A number of industries have left the United States partially due to the fact that they don’t have to cover Healthcare for regular employees as it’s covered by a nationalized Healthcare system.

Also, income by and large is closely correlated to education- and we must continue to work to improve our public schools, make college more accessible and affordable, offer more professional programs and certifications, and consider entering the trades as an apprentice as a serious and wise career path as well. The term “workforce development” is a component of these efforts by providing robust STEM options in secondary education that can then transition into a career field post-graduation. This not only creates a stronger workforce to draw more industries to our state but also enriches the employment pool as well.

Entrepreneurship should be encouraged early, and internships and mentorships can provide students with a solid foundation from which to start businesses as well as become more valuable employees.

Government must do its best to support the creation and profitability while also ensuring that the products and services provided are safe, legal, and providing fair value to clients and customers. Critical regulations must be enforced while onerous, redundant regulations should be diminished or eliminated.


America is built on the foundation of the rule of law. These laws are to be applied with fairness and no bias for or against any particular demographic. Justice should be applied equally to the poor man as well as the rich man.

It’s no secret that justice favors those with money, power and position as well as certain demographics. It’s also no secret that those of color, women, LGBT, non-Christians and so forth have struggled to find justice in America ever since our humble beginnings.

Our progress has often seemed more like singular events in history than permanent changes in the way our society operates.

I will work to protect the rights of ALL Missourians including our minority communities, children, the elderly and the infirm. I will fight legislation that seeks to relax or eliminate worker protections and I will advocate for equal justice in our streets and courts no matter your location, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or income.

I believe that justice should truly be just and applied equally to all people regardless of their income, gender, ethnicity or race. It is our duty as a country to always strive for truth and equality and to create and enforce our laws in a way that best serves all American citizens- not just a select few.

I oppose Tort Reform policies that take away the rights of the injured to their day in court.

I oppose mandatory sentencing guidelines, creating a cycle of incarceration for non-violent offenses that creates “debtor’s prisons” and so forth.

I support Treatment Courts and alternative means to transition addicts from being offenders to becoming healthier, productive members of society.

I support passing the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (or MONA) that would protect LGBTQ citizens in the State of Missouri. MONA would add sexual orientation and gender identity to Missouri’s Human Rights Act, which currently prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations for other protected categories, including race, sex, and national origin.


The land that we live on is our greatest resource. What makes America beautiful (and habitable) is our soil and water, flora and fauna and the air that we breathe. It is our responsibility to maintain and nurture the land that we live on so that it is safe, enjoyable and fertile today and for generations to come.

It is morally and ethically wrong and short-sighted to sacrifice our safety and well-being for the sake of profits for a select few. Providing employment to a few people in the name of destroying our natural resources is irresponsible and unconscionable.

We must not only make sure that we continue to regulate industries and enforce the rules but we must continue to improve the way we treat and interact with our natural environment as we are dependent on virtually every aspect from the trees to the bees and butterflies to the crops that we grow to the land that we build on.

I will fight efforts to loosen environmental oversight and regulation in our State Capitol and advocate for protecting our precious air, land and water and cleaning up the messes that have already been made.

I oppose giving free reign to Consolidated Animal Feeding Operations or “CAFO’s” as they are a major source of air, land and water pollution not to mention a cruel method of keeping livestock.

I support “clean closing” the 100+ acre unlined coal ash ponds at the Labadie Power plant that sits in the Missouri River bottoms just a few miles from our neighborhood. Coal ash contains a variety of substances that could (or may already be) leak into our drinking water including lead, mercury, arsenic and molybdenum. Due the “Karst Topography” in our area the limestone that seats beneath us is porous and prone to collapsing forming “sinkholes”. Ameren (as of now) has decided to simply cap the pit and leave it as-is despite significant disagreement with the community surrounding the plant.

We need to seriously address the issue that cause flooding and massive destruction in House District 110 and around the State of Missouri. Not only have Eureka and Pacific faced a number of devastating floods over the last few years but flash flooding has caused damage in areas of Wildwood as well.


I support our 2nd Amendment and American citizens’ Constitutional Right to own and operate firearms. I also support common sense policies regarding firearms so that we make sure that deadly weapons are used and handled responsibly for the safety of gun owners and others.

I grew up in a house where firearms were owned and used. On many occasions we would go to the family farm on weekends and shoot targets or hunt. I was taught to use rifles, shotguns and pistols. It was an exciting challenge to be able to aim a firearm at something and fire accurately. Guns also had an allure like fast cars in that more powerful and military-style weapons seemed “cool”. However, firearm ownership also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Modern guns put the power of life and death in the hands of anyone strong enough to pull a trigger and unfortunately many young children have been killed due to their access to loaded firearms.

With 33,000 Americans dying as a result of firearms every year, I believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While responsible gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe.

I support expanded background checks and eliminating loopholes to avoid them.

I support providing better security and physical security solutions to help keep our kids safe from mass shooters. However- I don’t support arming our teachers. They have enough to deal with trying to teach on a shoestring budget for substandard pay.

I believe that we need to put more resources into reforming and remaking our Mental Health system in order to begin to address the reasons why people perpetrate violence against people whether it’s in the home or public shootings.


I will advocate for not only improving and maintaining our roads and highways but also to expand, modernize and streamline our public transportation system. We must create solutions as to how to fund these improvements be it from a fuel tax, sales tax, usage tax or possibly through limited use of toll roads.

In the near term I believe that we must raise the fuel tax by at least 10 cents by presenting a simple and straightforward path for this funding that directs it straight to the problems that it would be intended to address without detours through other unrelated departments. We must, however, create new ways to fund the Department of Transportation to address issues such as the additional stress that commercial vehicles put on our roads, the emergence of alternate fuels that are not addressed by a fossil fuel tax and the fact that set number fuel taxes are regressive and lose their value over time.
Our roads and bridges are in desperate need of repair and renovation. Without support from our state these necessary improvements have been slow in coming. Improving our infrastructure will also provide new, good-paying jobs in a number of fields.
I will also advocate for exploring new means and technologies for public transportation in Missouri including radical new technologies like the “hyperloop” train that could make a trip across our state only take 30 minutes thus opening up whole new opportunities for workers, businesses and leisure-seekers.


Campaigning for office is time-consuming, requires professional staff and requires copious amounts of promotional efforts from signs to videos to flyers to mailers and beyond. Most of this stuff costs money and it has to come from somewhere. Unfortunately since wealthy special interests can get a nice Return on Investment by helping candidates that vote in their favor to win elections their influence on policy-making has become unbalanced with the needs of constituents. One of the biggest challenges for Democratic candidates is that we don’t want to be beholden to the interests of corporate donors over the well-being of voters. Unfortunately we fight battles within out Party, the expectations of media and of course the well-funded Republican candidates that also benefit from the influence of dark money”.

The regulators that keep track of and scrutinize political campaigns are charged with policing where election contributions and how they are spent. However- rulings like “Citizens United” allow entities to contribute enormous amounts of money and resources to campaigns that politicians have become dependent on.

I supported the CLEAN Amendment as well as making politicians 100% accountable for where their money is coming from and what it’s being used for. I oppose Republican’s efforts to reverse the will of the voters who passed this Amendment by a large margin in 2018.

Imposing campaign contribution limits in just the last few years has made it more challenging for megadonors like Dave Humphreys, Rex Sinquefield, the Devoses, Kochs, etc. to throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at legislators to sponsor and pass legislation that’s favorable to their personal business interests but we still have quite a ways to go in order to minimize the influence of money in our State’s politics. However- the use of PAC’s or “Political Action Committees” has allowed large donors another route in which to throw large sums of money at political campaigns.


Missouri is one of the top producers of agricultural products in the United States and we have the second most farms of the 50 States- nearly 100,000 farms- the vast majority of which are family farms that sit on an average of 291 acres apiece that cover 2/3 of the land of Missouri. Missouri’s top agricultural products include soybeans, corn, cattle and calves, hogs, and turkeys.

Despite our success as an agricultural producer our rural areas have been suffering for years due to a number of issues which include lack of economic opportunity, unstable agricultural markets, crime and drug addiction, under-performing public schools, a changing economy, lack of access to broadband internet, etc.

Rising prices in inputs along with stagnating prices going to market are squeezing already-challenged family farmers from both ends. In addition- striking a balance between regulation to safeguard our environment and consumer safety vs. allowing farmers to most effectively utilize their land is a key component to supporting agricultural producers while also protecting our planet.

We must commit energy and resources to creating strategies to shore up our rural communities and create and commit to solutions that will help rural communities to rebuild and thrive in the 21st century.


One issue that inspired me to run for office is the lack of effectiveness of government agencies and their associated providers. I believe that Departments like Children’s Division, the Department of Health and Senior Services, MoHealthnet, the Department of Mental Health and others could greatly benefit from reform. While these entities exist to serve the people of Missouri it would often seem that their well-being is the last consideration as opposed to the first.

It’s not news that government on all levels tends to waste money while underpaying it’s most critical workers who do the bulk of the work required such as social workers, prison staff, case workers, and so forth. In addition- entities that provide very important services like our public school systems, the Missouri Department of Transportation and others suffer as well.

Low pay, long hours, lack of resources, etc. continue to plague many Departments in the Missouri State Government while Republicans continue to push tax cuts that benefit the wealthy and starve our State Government of needed revenue to fund schools, repair and maintain roads, administer services for the poor, disabled, and elderly, etc.

We must not only root out waste but reform the way many of these departments function so that they better serve the citizens of Missouri more efficiently and perhaps more inexpensively as well. Solutions such as modernizing systems, restructuring administrative structures, updating policies and approaches and so forth will help to make our State more healthy, peaceful, and prosperous.


America is a nation founded and built by immigrants. Our culture has been greatly informed by the many elements brought to our shores from all around the world. As our country continues to welcome new faces and cultures we must be sensitive to the fact that we are known as a nation of not only opportunity but safety and security. No good person on this planet should be made to feel unwelcome in the United States of America. We must be fair and empathetic to the issues faced by immigrants coming to America and do our best to welcome them in whatever ways we can.

I- like most other Americans- am descended from immigrants who came to America seeking a better life and new adventures. Today’s world is far more populated, connected and chaotic than when America- and much of the world- was still a vast frontier.

As we benefit from our engagements with other countries and contribute to conflict and instability in other parts of the world we have a moral and ethical responsibility to provide a safe and nurturing haven to academics, professionals, laborers and refugees who seek to come to America seeking a better life or safe haven from conflict.

Locking our borders and using inflammatory rhetoric only serves to isolate America and further inflame those who wish ill against us.

I support our DACA recipients “Dreamers” and believe that they must be protected in our country as well as offered a path to citizenship. DACA recipients who are Missouri residents who wish to attend a State College should be able to pay in-state tuition rates as opposed to being subjected to punitive out-of-state tuition rates.

I believe that we need to treat immigrants with respect and empathy while enforcing our laws that govern entry into and residence in the United States.

I believe that we benefit from offering H1B visas to foreign workers to give them opportunities to work here legally and to offer employers- including employers in rural and agricultural ares- labor options that American citizens don’t seem to be interested in.


Opioid addiction has wreaked havoc on communities all over Missouri from urban to rural and everywhere in between. Everybody “knows somebody”. While we try to address the results of drug addiction including crime, hospitalization, and death, as well as diminishing the workforce, destroying families, and filling up jails on every level we must also commit to addressing the root causes of addiction including poverty, lack of opportunity, lack of access to healthcare services, domestic violence and so forth.

Rural crime continues to be driven by drug-related offenses and the presence of illicit drugs in our communities is a safety and health risk for everyone- whether it’s an addict, their family, friends, neighbors, law enforcement, etc. We cannot afford to ignore this issue any longer.

Diversion Court or “drug court” helps to give addicts the opportunity to get clean and get back on track through a court-supervised program instead of simply incarcerating individuals who then often simply re-offend and end up back in jail time and time again. Jailing individuals in a County jail in Missouri costs Missouri taxpayers $50 a day.

Money spent to house- but not rehabilitate- criminals could be better spent on efforts to help them to become productive members of society and law-abiding citizens and the vast majority of inmates in Missouri jails are convicted of drug-related offenses.


The Right to Vote is a guaranteed Constitutional Right that must be made available to each and every eligible U.S. citizen of voting age. The duly-elected government officials and the people that they appoint and hire have sworn to serve the citizens of our United States and ensure that our Rights, Liberties, Safety, and a path to Health and Prosperity are maintained, defended, and expanded.

Year after year Republican  policymakers advocate for policies that restrict access and opportunity to voters- especially those who may not be supportive of Republican candidates and policies. In Missouri Republican Legislators in the General Assembly have managed to pass a number of controversial and unconstitutional laws restricting Voting Rights as well as vowing to make it more difficult to certify and pass citizen-driven Ballot Initiatives. Missouri voters consistently approve Progressive policies presented as Ballot Initiatives despite largely supporting regressive right-wing Republican candidates.\

I believe that voting is a sacred Right and Duty enshrined by our Constitution that must be respected and supported in whatever way possible. I will support and defend Missouri citizens Right to vote and efforts to ensure that each and every voting citizen has the opportunity to make their voice heard in our fair and secure elections.

I believe that all American citizens need access to quality, affordable Healthcare.

Women nationwide require access to safe, affordable Reproductive Care and no Missouri resident should be denied access to proper Reproductive Healthcare. 

Women and men should have access to affordable, effective contraception and children should receive accurate, age-appropriate, and comprehensive sexual education as part of other health-related curricula.  

I am pro-choice and fully support women’s Reproductive rights and believe that medical decisions regarding a woman’s body should be made between a woman and her doctor- not by a politician or bureaucrat.

I believe that we must effectively implement Medicaid Expansion in order to help Americans to be more healthy overall, provide aid to the poor that are suffering from medical issues, fund services in rural areas so that Hospitals in those communities can afford to stay open. Unfortunately, Republican politicians in Missouri have dragged their feet since Medicaid Expansion’s signup process began in the summer of 2021. They have allowed the program to remain largely unsupported even though it was approved by a majority of voters and would provide free or affordable Healthcare to hundreds of thousands of working Missouri citizens.

We must work to ensure that Missouri citizens are not denied Healthcare coverage due to pre-existing conditions and defend these protections provided in the Affordable Care Act. These protections can also be instituted on a state-level basis for Missouri residents.

Thanks to efforts from the Biden Administration, the cost of insulin has been capped at $35. We need to continue to address the high cost of prescription drugs- particularly for the poor, disabled, and elderly who may have to decide between paying rent or paying for medication.

We need to seriously address the circumstances that cause the abysmal infant and maternal mortality rates that impact women and children in Missouri- and the United States- that continues to rival 3rd World Nations.

We as a state- and as a nation- need to address the issue of access to dental coverage. Currently, most insurance plans don’t provide enough coverage to address more costly dental procedures and seniors on a fixed income may have difficulty accessing care and services such as acquiring dentures.

We must work to make sure that our schools statewide are fully-funded and able to provided public school students with a firm education foundation from which to pursue a career path as an adult. Currently over 30% of School Districts in Missouri are on 4-day weeks due to funding shortfalls.

In Missouri, the vast majority of public school funding comes from state and local sources- with Federal funding only making up about 7% of of total education funding. However, in recent years federal funds from investments like the American Rescue Plan Act have temporarily bridged gaps in education funding in the state of Missouri.

We must work to make sure that schools possess up-to-date materials and technologies in order to guarantee that our students are being offered a curriculum that reflects the best knowledge and know-how that is necessary to be self-supporting and successful in our modern era. There are schools in our State that are using outdated books and materials as well as many without broadband internet access- particularly in the rural areas.

We must work to make sure that teachers are paid a competitive salary so that we can encourage new hires and maintain a robust and effective teaching community. Starting salaries for Missouri teachers are the second lowest in the Country and we rate 47th in the U. S. for average teachers’ salaries and #50 for beginning teacher salaries.

I oppose efforts to divert public funding to unregulated and/or profit-driven schools such as vouchers, “school choice”, and private Charter Schools. Taxpayer dollars should be invested in community resources that potentially benefit all community members- not just a select few.

We need to work on providing a variety of career paths for students that include college-bound, entering into a professional certification program or the skilled trades. In order to strengthen our workforce we must invest in educating our students to be able to meet the work demands of the 21st century.

Our college graduates should have the opportunity to pursue a career in their field without being burdened by crushing long-term debt so we need to work on making college both more affordable and more accessible.

Our State government must allow local Districts and educators to best decide how to teach their students while maintaining a Statewide proficiency standard. Federal policy should aspire to provide educators with the tools necessary to be successful in their communities addressing the specific needs of their students.

We must oppose efforts to politicize public school curricula and push back against efforts to “whitewash” our country’s history, counter attacks and the marginalizing of LGTBQ+ students, and shut down attempts to propagandize our schools and indoctrinate our students as a means to establish a right-wing fascist state in Missouri.

We need to make tuition-free preschool and pre-K available to parents in every community nationwide. Not only is early childhood education good for kids- but it also gives parents the opportunity to pursue employment that may currently be unrealistic to pursue due to the cost and availability of childcare.

Employment doesn’t just put food on our table and a roof over our heads- it informs the daily quality of our lives and our potential for growth, opportunity and prosperity. As the wealthiest nation on the planet the potential to succeed and excel should be available to every single American citizen.

We have been recovering from a very serious market collapse which occurred in 2008 as well as the recent financial crisis created by the recent coronavirus pandemic. A number of industries and institutions failed in 2008 and global economic challenges in recent years have left our workers and our economy in crisis. Because of strong leadership during the Obama and Biden Administrations and a concerted effort to mend and recover from that circumstance America has come back stronger than ever – but not for everyone.

While corporate profits have skyrocketed to historic highs wages have stagnated and remained nearly flat. Income disparity between earners is at historic highs as the richest get richer and the younger generation gets bogged down in student loan debt, low wages and lack of opportunity.

America needs to reshape our economy from the ground up and the top down. We need to address the issue of exorbitant executive pay that siphons profits to a select few and focus on encouraging the sharing of the success of doing business with the people paid to do the actual work.

We need to pay our workers more as well providing more education, training and opportunity for those that are struggling to find work or aspiring to be more successful. The issue isn’t only in paying a higher minimum wage- people in the middle- skilled workers, middle management, etc. that have not seen their wages rise while the people that they work for have enjoyed exponential growth in their earnings.

A stronger, better paid workforce simply makes America stronger. We must constantly strive to innovate not only for the sake of doing so but to create new opportunities for this generation and the next.

As technologies become obsolete they are replaced with others that require workers with new skill sets. It’s in our best interest to encourage American workers to pursue acquiring new skills while we provide them with the training and opportunity to use them.

I support unions and the need for workers to join together to ensure that they receive fair wages and competitive benefits. My parents and many of my family members were or are educators in public schools. My mother’s parents were active in organizing labor in the manufacturing sector many years ago.

I oppose Right to Work and I will fight this legislation and any iteration of it that is presented.

I oppose ending the Prevailing Wage as I believe that we should do our best to employ Missouri labor and pay them a fair wage.

I oppose Paycheck Deception and any other actions designed to deliberately make membership in a union more challenging.

I oppose any actions designed to break unions in our public and private sectors. In my experience employers cannot be counted on to pay workers fairly or advance wages fairly to reward hard work or to stay current with the cost of living. There is already evidence of the GOP making laws to make it more difficult for employees to join together to fight systemic issues in a company. There is no doubt that their actions serve to benefit a few wealthy entities at the expense of many, many workers.

We need to get back to our roots and make our labor movement and social movements work together to fight the historical income inequality that exists in our country today. United we stand- divided we will fall.

We need to proactively present pursueing the skilled trades to our students as another viable career path in which to earn a middle class wage and benefits.

As a small business person for my entire adult life (as well as mowing lawns, delivering papers, etc. as a child) I have for the very most part earned my living hustling gigs, clients, tours, etc. as a musician and enjoying the freedom and autonomy of being my own boss. As a matter of fact- over 99% of businesses in the state of Missouri (and across the U.S.) are small businesses- including the vast majority of family farms.

As a small businessman I recognize that the prosperity of my community reflects greatly on the success of my business (and the internet can level the playing field in this regard by opening up markets worldwide). While on one hand we must work to provide jobs for our workers that pay a living wage, we must also support and nurture our small businesses so that we keep as much of our money in our communities, region, and state while also providing the supports and creating an environment for our businesses to be successful. No business should have to pay substandard wages in order to be successful and no employee should have to settle for that situation.

With Medicaid Expansion now being implemented- hundreds of thousands of the working poor will have access to Healthcare enabling them to be healthy and more productive members of society and more capable and reliable workers. Tethering Healthcare coverage to employment is a concept that has proven to be inefficient and insufficient to provide most- if not all- American citizens access to Healthcare. It has, however, worked very well for insurance company profits. A number of industries have left the United States partially due to the fact that they don’t have to cover Healthcare for regular employees as it’s covered by a nationalized Healthcare system. Also, access to quality, affordable Healthcare makes it possible for workers to be more productive, reliable, and prosperous.

Also, income by and large is closely correlated to education- and we must continue to work to improve our public schools, make college more accessible and affordable, offer more professional programs and certifications, and consider entering the trades as an apprentice as a serious and wise career path as well. The term “workforce development” is a component of these efforts by providing robust STEM options in secondary education that can then transition into a career field post-graduation. This not only creates a stronger workforce to draw more industries to our state but also enriches the employment pool as well.

Entrepreneurship should be encouraged early, and internships and mentorships can provide students with a solid foundation from which to start businesses as well as become more valuable employees. Our state should continue to support and expand our efforts to provide our youth with opportunities to learn, grow, and succeed.

Government must do its best to support the creation and profitability of our businesses while also ensuring that the products and services provided are safe, legal, and providing fair value to clients and customers. Critical regulations must be enforced while onerous, redundant regulations should be diminished or eliminated.

It’s essential for start-ups and small businesses to have access to capital to either start a new or grow an existing business. Our governments policies should strive to make capital accessible not only to seasoned entrepreneurs but to those that are choosing to transition from being an employee to being a business owner. Supporting departments like the Small Business Administration is essential to providing the resources necessary to grow and expand small businesses nationwide.

America is built on the foundation of the rule of law. These laws are to be applied with fairness and no bias for or against any particular demographic. Justice should be applied equally to the poor man as well as the rich man.

It’s no secret that justice favors those with money, power and position as well as certain demographics. It’s also no secret that those of color, women, LGBT, non-Christians and so forth have struggled to find justice in America ever since our humble beginnings.

Our progress has often seemed more like the result of singular events in history than as permanent changes in the way our society operates. As they like to say- “Freedom isn’t free.”

I will work to protect the rights of ALL Missourians including our minority communities, children, the elderly and the infirm. I will fight legislation that seeks to relax or eliminate worker protections and I will advocate for equal justice in our streets and courts no matter your location, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or income.

I believe that justice should truly be just and applied equally to all people regardless of their income, gender, ethnicity or race. It is our duty as a country to always strive for truth and equality and to create and enforce our laws in a way that best serves all American citizens- not just a select few.

I oppose Tort Reform policies that take away the rights of the injured to their day in court.

I oppose mandatory sentencing guidelines, creating a cycle of incarceration for non-violent offenses that creates “debtor’s prisons” and so forth.

I support Treatment Courts, Diversion Programs, and alternative means to transition addicts from being offenders to becoming healthier, productive members of society.

I support passing the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act (or MONA) that would protect LGBTQ citizens in the State of Missouri. MONA would add sexual orientation and gender identity to Missouri’s Human Rights Act, which currently prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations for other protected categories, including race, sex, and national origin.

The land that we live on is our greatest resource. What makes America beautiful (and habitable) is our soil and water, flora and fauna and the air that we breathe. It is our responsibility to maintain and nurture the land that we live on so that it is safe, enjoyable and fertile today and for generations to come.

It is morally and ethically wrong and short-sighted to sacrifice our safety and well-being for the sake of profits for a select few. Providing employment to a few people in the name of destroying communities and our natural resources is irresponsible and unconscionable.

We must not only make sure that we continue to regulate industries and enforce the rules that apply to them but we must also continue to improve the way we treat and interact with our natural environment as we are dependent on virtually every aspect from the trees to the bees and butterflies to the crops that we grow to the land that we build on.

I will fight efforts to loosen environmental oversight and regulation in our State Capitol and advocate for protecting our precious air, land and water and cleaning up the messes that have already been made.

I oppose giving free reign to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations or “CAFOs” as they are a major source of air, land and water pollution not to mention a cruel method of keeping livestock. CAFOs don’t only threaten our environment, but they also spoil the quality of life for neighboring property owners and negatively impact property values. As someone whose family owns a century farm in Missouri, the concerns regarding CAFOs and their threat to our rural communities hits close to home.

I support “clean closing” the 100+ acre unlined coal ash ponds at the Labadie Power plant that sits in the Missouri River bottoms just a few miles from our neighborhood. Coal ash contains a variety of substances that could (or may already be) leak into our drinking water including lead, mercury, arsenic and molybdenum. Due the “Karst Topography” in our area the limestone that seats beneath us is porous and prone to collapsing forming “sinkholes”. Ameren (as of now) has decided to simply cap the pit and leave it as-is despite significant disagreement with the community surrounding the plant.

We need to seriously address the issues that cause flooding and massive destruction in our community and in other communities around the State of Missouri. Not only have residents along the Meramec River faced a number of devastating floods over the last few years but flash flooding, severe storms, and drought have caused challenges, damage, and injury throughout the St. Louis metro area, Missouri, the Midwest Region, and nationwide.

We need to better address the many instances of toxic pollution that exist in the St. Louis region and beyond. Cleanup efforts are often too little and too late, and those that have been negatively affected by exposure often fight for years for recognition of the problem and for compensation as a result of toxic waste exposure.

I support our 2nd Amendment and American citizens’ Constitutional Right to own and operate firearms. I also support common sense policies regarding firearms so that we make sure that deadly weapons are used and handled responsibly for the safety of gun owners and everyone else.

I grew up in a house where firearms were owned and used. On many occasions we would go to the family farm on weekends and shoot targets or hunt. I was taught to use rifles, shotguns and pistols. It was an exciting challenge to be able to aim a firearm at something and fire accurately. Guns also can have an allure like fast cars in that more powerful and military-style weapons seemed “cool”. However, firearm ownership also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Modern guns put the power of life and death in the hands of anyone strong enough to pull a trigger and unfortunately many young children have been killed due to their access to loaded firearms.

With 33,000 Americans dying as a result of firearms every year, I believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While responsible gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe.

I support expanded background checks and eliminating loopholes to avoid them.

I support efforts to encourage gun owners to safely store their weapons when not in use.

I support “red flag” laws that give courts the option to temporarily seize weapons from a person suspected of perpetrating a violent crime.

I support providing better security and physical security solutions to help keep our kids safe from mass shooters. However- I don’t support arming our teachers. They have enough to deal with trying to teach on a shoestring budget for substandard pay.

I believe that we need to put more resources into reforming and remaking our Mental Health system in order to begin to address the reasons why people perpetrate violence against people whether it’s in the home or public shootings.

The State of Missouri has 34,000 miles of state highways (7th most in the U.S. and 5th most interstate highway miles in the U.S.), over 10,000 bridges, 120 public-use airports, 5,300 miles of railroad tracks, 17 inland ports (3rd largest in the U.S.), and St. Louis and Kansas City are the 2nd and 3rd largest rail hubs in the U.S.  Missouri ranks #48 in revenue per mile and are the #4 lowest in the U.S. for administrative costs per mile.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act- which invests over $8 billion dollars in Missouri’s infrastructure- which was rejected by all but one of Missouri’s Republican members of Congress- puts funding toward expanding Broadband Internet Access, repairing our roads and bridges, improving public transportation, building EV charging stations, improving protections against cyberattacks, replacing lead service lines and pipes, and upgrading our airports.

I will advocate for not only improving and maintaining our roads and highways but also to expand, modernize and streamline our public transportation system. We must create equitable solutions as to how to fund these improvements in the future be it from a fuel tax, sales tax, usage tax or possibly through limited use of toll roads.

Many of our roads and bridges are in desperate need of repair and renovation. According to MoDOT, 759 bridges and 6,127 miles of Missouri roads are in poor condition. Without support from our state these necessary improvements have been slow in coming. Improving our infrastructure will also provide new, good-paying jobs in a number of fields.

I will also advocate for exploring new means and technologies for public transportation in Missouri including radical new technologies like the “hyperloop” train that could make a trip across our state only take 30 minutes thus opening up whole new opportunities for workers, businesses and leisure-seekers.

Campaigning for office is time-consuming, requires professional staff and requires copious amounts of promotional efforts from signs to videos to flyers to mailers and beyond. Most of this stuff costs money and it has to come from somewhere. Unfortunately, since wealthy special interests can get a nice Return on Investment by helping candidates that vote in their favor to win elections their influence on policy-making has become unbalanced with the needs of constituents. One of the biggest challenges for Democratic candidates is that we don’t want to be beholden to the interests of corporate donors over the well-being of voters. Unfortunately we fight battles within out Party, the expectations of media and of course the well-funded Republican candidates that also benefit from the influence of dark money”.

The regulators that keep track of and scrutinize political campaigns are charged with policing where election contributions and how they are spent. However- rulings like “Citizens United” allow entities to contribute enormous amounts of money and resources to campaigns that politicians have become dependent on.

Imposing campaign contribution limits in just the last few years has made it more challenging for megadonors like Dave Humphreys, Rex Sinquefield, the Devoses, Kochs, etc. to throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at legislators to sponsor and pass legislation that’s favorable to their personal business interests but we still have quite a ways to go in order to minimize the influence of money in our State’s politics. However- the use of PAC’s or “Political Action Committees” has allowed large donors another route in which to throw large sums of money at political campaigns.

Missouri is one of the top producers of agricultural products in the United States and we have the second most farms of the 50 States- nearly 100,000 farms- the vast majority of which are family farms that sit on an average of 291 acres apiece that cover 2/3 of the land of Missouri. Missouri’s top agricultural products include soybeans, corn, cattle and calves, hogs, and turkeys.

Despite our success as an agricultural producer our rural areas have been suffering for years due to a number of issues which include lack of economic opportunity, unstable agricultural markets, crime and drug addiction, under-performing public schools, a changing economy, lack of access to broadband internet, etc.

Rising prices in inputs along with stagnating prices going to market are squeezing already-challenged family farmers from both ends. In addition- striking a balance between regulation to safeguard our environment and consumer safety vs. allowing farmers to most effectively utilize their land is a key component to supporting agricultural producers while also protecting our planet.

We must commit energy and resources to creating strategies to shore up our rural communities and create and commit to solutions that will help rural communities to rebuild and thrive in the 21st century.

Opioid addiction has wreaked havoc on communities all over the state of Missouri from urban to rural and everywhere in between. It seems that everybody “knows somebody”. While we try to address the results of drug addiction including crime, hospitalization, and death, as well as diminishing the workforce, destroying families, and filling up jails on every level, we must also commit to addressing the root causes of addiction including poverty, lack of opportunity, lack of access to healthcare services, domestic violence, and so forth.

Rural and urban crime continues to be driven by drug-related offenses and the presence of illicit drugs in our communities is a safety and health risk for everyone- whether it’s an addict, their family, friends, neighbors, law enforcement, etc. We cannot afford to ignore this issue any longer.

Diversion Courts or “drug court” helps to give addicts the opportunity to get clean and get back on track through a court-supervised program instead of simply incarcerating individuals who then often simply re-offend and end up back in jail time and time again. Jailing individuals in a County jail in Missouri costs Missouri taxpayers $50 a day.

Money spent to house- but not rehabilitate- criminals could be better spent on efforts to help them to become productive members of society and law-abiding citizens and the vast majority of inmates in Missouri jails are convicted of drug-related offenses.

Ensuring access to Mental Health care is also a key component to addressing not only the challenges of addressing addiction but also the causes of addiction. Federal inititiatives like Medicaid Expansion aim to make quality, affordable Healthcare available to more citizens with the intention of providing preventative options to people who may not be able to afford Healthcare otherwise.

One issue that inspired me to run for office is the lack of effectiveness of government agencies and their associated providers. I believe that state Departments like Children’s Division, the Department of Health and Senior Services, MoHealthnet, the Department of Mental Health and others could greatly benefit from reform. While these entities exist to serve the people of Missouri it would often seem that their well-being is the last consideration as opposed to the first. Providing more robust federal oversight and support can ensure that Missouri residents are served in an effective and prompt manner.

It’s not news that government on all levels tends to waste money while underpaying it’s most critical workers who do the bulk of the work required such as social workers, prison staff, case workers, and so forth. Our federal government is notorious for wasting money for “pork” projects, providing sweetheart deals to insiders, failing to provide adequate follow-up for ongoing projects, and a systemic lack of accountability for spending overall. Our federal government has a obligation to invest in the best interests of U.S. citizens while being responsible stewards of taxpayers’ money.

We must not only root out waste but reform the way many departments function so that they are better able to serve United States citizens more efficiently and more inexpensively as well. Solutions such as modernizing systems, restructuring administrative structures, updating policies and approaches and so forth will help to make our State more healthy, peaceful, and prosperous.

Providing proper accounting and oversight for budget appropriations is a primary responsibility of the government that’s key to making sure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and effectively. While Republicans go-to solution always seems to be to “cut taxes” I believe that if taxpayers see tangible results of responsible, robust investment in our region, state, and country that they will be more supportive of paying their fair share of our nation’s bills.

United States citizens need access to safe, affordable housing in every zipcode. Americans living on a limited budget should have the opportunity to live in appropriate housing, the middle class should be able to afford to acquire and maintain home ownership, and conditions need to be favorable for owners and developers of real estate so that investment in real estate not only turns a profit but serves the needs of the communities in which they exist.

In recent years investment companies and investors (many of which are out of state) have been buying up residential housing stock- often in areas where housing has been considered “affordable”- making it more difficult for low- to mid- income homebuyers to find affordable home purchase options in their area. The combination of less affordable housing options, competing with purchasers bidding over the actual value of the property, and escalating interest rates have made home ownership much more difficult to attain and maintain for many St. Louis area residents as well as affecting those seeking to purchase homes in areas around the country.

Not only is home ownership a foundation for acquiring wealth, it’s also a means to invest long-term in a community and become a stakeholder in its success and well-being. First time home buyers benefit from federal programs that help purchasers to acquire financing, access educational resources, access grant programs, etc. We must continue to help to facilitate home ownership while also work to create the environment where home ownership is possible by creating jobs that pay a living wage, getting inflation and housing costs under control, and by ensuring that wealthy investors don’t use the power of influence and resources that inflate housing costs to prevent home owners from purchasing a home.

We must also support local, regional, and state efforts to make building affordable housing a priority in light of development in counties in the St. Louis region like St. Charles, Warren, and Franklin.

The Right to Vote is a guaranteed Constitutional Right that must be made available to each and every eligible U.S. citizen of voting age. The duly-elected government officials and the people that they appoint and hire have sworn to serve the citizens of our United States and ensure that our Rights, Liberties, Safety, and a path to Health and Prosperity are maintained, defended, and expanded.

Year after year Republican policymakers advocate for policies that restrict access and opportunity to voters- especially those who may not be supportive of Republican candidates and policies. In Missouri Republican Legislators in the General Assembly have managed to pass a number of controversial and unconstitutional laws restricting Voting Rights as well as vowing to make it more difficult to certify and pass citizen-driven Ballot Initiatives. Missouri voters consistently approve Progressive policies presented as Ballot Initiatives despite largely supporting regressive right-wing Republican candidates.

Federal policy protecting U.S. citizens’ Constitutional Right to Vote must be defended and I support laws that support that right such as the Voting Rights Act and initiatives such as the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. We must also ensure that voters’ rights are ensured on a state-by-state basis while allowing states the freedom to conduct their elections in a free and fair way that best accommodates the needs of their residents.

I believe that voting is a sacred Right and Duty enshrined by our Constitution that must be respected and supported in whatever way possible. I will support and defend United States citizens’ Right to vote and efforts to ensure that each and every voting citizen has the opportunity to make their voice heard in fair and secure elections.

The Civil Rights of today have been hard-earned over nearly 250 years of working to improve on the this great experiment that we call the United States of America. Our Declaration of Independence states that every American citizen should be guaranteed “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. While we as a nation didn’t start that we way, we’ve made great strides toward that ideal- but not without great strain and strife on the part of citizens seeking equality and justice as citizens of the United States.

In recent years we’ve seen committed efforts from the Republican Party to roll back the progress that we’ve made toward ensuring that all Americans are provided with an equal measure of justice, safety, and opportunity. From efforts to criminalize the existence of LGBTQ citizens to attempts to demonize and discredit Black History to banning books and attacking our libraries and schools as a means to drive divisions into our communities, the right-wing extremists who have taken control of the Republican Party are pushing a dangerous, divisive, and destructive agenda that is tearing at the fabric of our democracy.

We must defend the Rights and Liberties of ALL of our citizens- including women, minorities, those of non-Christian faiths, immigrants, and LGBTQ individuals. America is- and always has been- a melting pot that includes many ethnicities, faiths, and cultures from all around the globe into a diverse- yet united- conglomeration.

We must ensure that discrimination is not acceptable in this country. This includes in regard to employment, housing, education, travel, access to opportunity, and access to equal and impartial Justice.

Public safety is a primary concern for our community and for communities all over the state of Missouri. Making sure that our residents are safe, secure, and can access critical timely service from First Responders must be a priority and threats to our community must be constantly assessed and addressed.

As someone who has had to request services from First Responders to address behavioral health crises many times over the years as a foster provider, I have seen firsthand the challenges that First Responders and those in crisis face, and I appreciate the need to direct the appropriate services to the appropriate crises- which could be a fire, a property crime, a traffic accident, or a behavioral health crisis.

I support efforts to fund and provide the proper response to the variety of crises that law enforcement and First Responders address in our communities. I also support providing training for law enforcement officers that gives them techniques to de-escalate and better serve their communities.

I oppose continuing Republican efforts to defund our First Responders and I recognize Republican politicians chronic neglect of the needs of our distressed communities- even the ones who overwhelmingly support Republican politicians.

I oppose Republican politicians’ continued efforts to arm criminals, hamstring law enforcement’s ability to investigate violent crimes, and the “conservative” culture that elevates violence, hate, and division that has infected our community and communities nationwide.


The United States has long been considered the defender of the free world. In order to protect American citizens, U.S. interests at home and abroad, and to secure the land within our borders, we must maintain a top-notch, highly-trained fighting force that’s ready to deploy on a moment’s notice utilizing the latest and most effective tools available.

We have an obligation to support those who have been willing to give all for their country whether they are active duty or have formerly served. We can honor their sacrifice by providing our brave soldiers with a competitive salary, by supporting our veterans- including addressing the challenges that they may face as a result of service, and by investing in the most robust tools available to insure our continued global dominance.

Waging war should always be the action of last resort after efforts to negotiate and come to a peaceful conclusion have been exhausted. The United States should always endeavor to establish and maintain peace as a global leader yet be reluctant to deploy and engage in conflicts abroad- using force only when absolutely necessary.

Defending our nation has become a multi-faceted effort in the 21st century with the emergence of cyberattacks, advanced biological and chemical warfare, and ever advancing battlefield technology. Our armed forces now rely upon not only infantry, pilots, and sailors to engage in conflict, but also a wide variety of technical experts that manage internet security, operate remote machinery, gather information, and maintain the wide variety of technology that’s utilized in modern warfare.

We must be constantly vigilant regarding those that wish to harm American citizens and perpetrate acts of terrorism at home and abroad.

We must be active participants in ensuring that democracy has the opportunity to emerge and thrive in nations worldwide.

We must be responsible stewards of the taxpayer funds that are used to fund our military by providing adequate funding while also regularly engaging in detailed oversight efforts to ensure that funding is used effectively and responsibly.

We cannot allow right-wing ideologues to politicize the recruitment, service, or provided benefits regarding those who choose to serve in the U.S. military and their families. Our military should be representative of the nation that they serve- from all walks of life, every color, faith, identity, and ethnicity- to reflect the diversity that exists in our great nation.

In the 21st century we live in a global economy comprised of a diverse array of over 200 recognized nations. Missouri exports a wide variety of items to other countries including agricultural products, technology, motor vehicles, and pharmaceuticals. It’s imperative that we maintain and improve trade relations with other countries with whom we often benefit from imports as well. Negotiating equitable trade agreements is a key component to not only growing the U.S. economy- but supporting the American worker.

Conflict is a challenge that impacts every region on the planet. As the “leader of the free world” who partners with nations worldwide the United States has an obligation to be actively engaged in promoting peace, human rights, economic development, health-related and ecological crises, trade and commerce, and expanding a brand of democracy that empowers people to have a voice in their government and the opportunity to be healthy, safe, prosperous, and to have the guarantee of equal justice under the law.

It’s imperative that the United States- as a global leader- demonstrate leadership in international organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, and the World Health Organization. Our involvement in the affairs of other countries and regions needs to be on the basis of acting as a partner, and advocate, and a supporter while resisting the urge to indulge in nation-building or colonialism. Sovereign states should be allowed to determine their own policies and only in the case of humanitarian crisis should we consider interfering in the affairs of other nations.

The United States as a military superpower also has an obligation to contribute to the safety and security of other nations and regions but we should always prioritize negotiation and peaceful means of resolution over military intervention. With great power comes great responsibility and we must as a nation always strive to conduct ourselves with honor, honesty, and integrity in all of our international affairs.

Managing the United States’ budget- which is currently over $6 trillion- is a key responsibility of the U.S. Congress. Congressional members have an obligation to U.S. taxpayers to spend their tax dollars wisely, responsibly, frugally, and effectively and they expect a noticeable- accountable return on their investment into our nation’s many functions and obligations.

Healthcare costs continue to be a considerable burden on American families while insurers continue to enjoy record profits. We must as a nation determine ways to guarantee that every U.S. citizen has access to quality, affordable Healthcare while also ensuring that Healthcare services are available in their community whether it be rural, suburban, or urban.

I will advocate for policies that ensure the stability and availability of Medicare and Social Security for years to come. These programs have benefited generations of senior citizens- providing a guarantee that our seniors are provided a safety net in the years in which they may no longer be able to secure employment that provides a living wage and benefits.

I will advocate for measures that lower our nation’s debt and deficit by spending tax payer dollars wisely and by also making sure that taxpayers and companies are contributing their fair share to funding our fiscal obligations- no more and no less.

I will advocate for measures designed to lower inflation and decrease the burden of rising prices on U.S. consumers. From addressing housing and borrowing cost to the cost of grocery items and energy needs, rising prices continue to be a burden on the middle class and the poor. Through well-considered, effective governance our federal government can help ease the burden on consumers nationwide as we navigate our way past a global financial crisis.

In order for our nation to continue to be a leader in global commerce, science, technology, and culture, we must support and invest in our educational institutions and make sure that every child and every potential student in the United States of America has the opportunity to attend a high-quality public school that provides a comprehensive, robust, modern curriculum.

We must invest in making sure that families with small children have access to affordable, available child care. The high cost of childcare and lack of availability is a challenge to many parents who would otherwise seek employment or continue to pursue a career. This includes making public preschool and pre-K programs available to parents nationwide.


The Civil Rights of today have been hard-earned over nearly 250 years of working to improve on the this great experiment that we call the United States of America. Our Declaration of Independence states that every American citizen should be guaranteed “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. While we as a nation didn’t start that we way, we’ve made great strides toward that ideal- but not without great strain and strife on the part of citizens seeking equality and justice as citizens of the United States.

In recent years we’ve seen committed efforts from the Republican Party to roll back the progress that we’ve made toward ensuring that all Americans are provided with an equal measure of justice, safety, and opportunity. From efforts to criminalize the existence of LGBTQ citizens to attempts to demonize and discredit Black History to banning books and attacking our libraries and schools as a means to drive divisions into our communities, the right-wing extremists who have taken control of the Republican Party are pushing a dangerous, divisive, and destructive agenda that is tearing at the fabric of our democracy.

We must defend the Rights and Liberties of ALL of our citizens- including women, minorities, those of non-Christian faiths, immigrants, and LGBTQ individuals. America is- and always has been- a melting pot that includes many ethnicities, faiths, and cultures from all around the globe into a diverse- yet united- conglomeration.

We must ensure that discrimination is not acceptable in this country. This includes in regard to employment, housing, education, travel, access to opportunity, and access to equal and impartial Justice.


TEAMKIEHNE is a grassroots campaign powered by people who want to see the the Missouri House be more effective and more responsive to the needs and challenges of the residents of Missouri's 88th House district, the St. Louis region, and the state of Missouri. As the next member of Missouri's General Assembly representing Missouri's 88th House District, John Kiehne will have the opportunity to influence and improve state policy and seriously address the welfare, health, safety, and prosperity of Missouri residents, businesses, organizations, and institutions.